Tuesday, 25 March 2008

Keito Dama 135

Just received this Keito Dama magazine this morning.
The link above is in Amazon Japan, unfortunately the book is out of stock in YesAsia.

It has lots of unusual cabled patterns and delicate combinations of lace and cable motifs.
This vest bellow is my favourite and hopefully I'm going to start it very soon as it is, or a a short sleeve cardi.

And on top of everything I was so happy to find an article dedicated to our Romanian lace point tradition.

Can't describe my surprise to open a Japanese magazine in England, and see a picture of my Romanian hometown.

Lace point is really popular in Romania, probably the most popular handcraft - and everybody is designing and creating their own patterns.
My mother is a real expert, needless to say my house is full of similar doilies and tablecloths.
I'm glad somebody finally got an interest on it.


Anonymous said...

I had made the vest...in a toddler version...it's very lovely.

tia o'connor said...

Wow! I was looking for explanations on Japanese knitting symbols and decided to have a carefull look at your website. Ce chestie nemaipomenita, sa dau de o romanca in lumea tricotatului vestic (aici nu prea sint la moda indeletnicirile astea, consumerismul e la mare inaltime si va domina penyru multi ani de acum inainte).
O sa revin! Am cartea 250 Knitting Patterns si am descarcat citeva pagini cu explicatii ale ochiurilor. Sa vedem daca ma lamureste!
Happy Knitting! :-)