Wednesday, 12 December 2007

Knitting Patterns Book 250

This book is probably my favourite knitting book ever. ( The links in YesAsia and Amazon Japan are listed on the right side of the page).

I did a swatch for the cover pattern - following a discussion on the knittinginjapan yahoo group - just to see how it goes. It's pattern 086, page 40.

Pretty much straight forward, but I did a mistake on row 12 - it's a WS row with a kind of 'unexpected' change in pattern.
Apart from this, there are no particular challenges, it will only require an ambitious beginner to use it.
And I guess It will only work well with a yarn with a very good stitch definition.

Tuesday, 11 December 2007

Vintage Knitting in Tradition

Remember the famous Am Kamin sweater and the acorn leaf motif ?
Well, Shimada Toshiyuki is out with a new book.
Arans, shawls, fair isle, a bohus style sweater and the acorn leaf slightly modified.
Click on the image bellow in order to browse a few pages on Amazon Japan.

The book is available in YesAsia, as well, at this address.

There are a few mistakes in this edition, an but there is an errata available in pdf format.